The Center for New Music
David Gompper, director
Lydia Dempsey and Rebecca Pape, assistants
Exchange of Midwest Collegiate Composers, Festival of New Music
A consortium between the University of Colorado-Boulder,
The University of Missouri, Kansas City and The University of Iowa

Concert 1: Friday, April 6, 2018 at 7:30pm
A Lucid Dream by Jack Gaffney (CU-Boulder)
Wafting Mists by Daniel Morel (UMKC)
Moments by Hongwei Cai (UI)
The Hesitation in Your Eyes by QI Jing (UMKC)
last goodnight amidst Superior fog by Jeremy Maas (UI)
Light Pillars by John Clay Allen (CU-Boulder)

Concert 2: Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 10:00am
Neither Rhyme Nor Reason by Rebecca Pape (UI)
Red by Joe Chen (UMKC)
Sonata by Luke Kottemann (UI)
3 Impromptus for Piano by Drake Rutherford (CU)
Spiral by Qi Jing (UMKC)
Refreshing the Feeling by Dylan Findley (UMKC)

Concert 3: Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 2:00pm
Improvisation for Saxophone and Electronics by MaXaS (UMKC)
Chang by Jinwon Kim (UI)
Walking in the Cemetery by Natalie Shum (UMKC)
why not by Alexander Toth (UI)
Disconnect by Dylan Findley (UMKC)
Loud Soft by Carlos Cotallo Solares (UI)

Concert 4: Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 4:00pm
Simulacrum by BetaMax (UMKC)
Whennes by Ramin Roshandel (UI)
Trombone Sand by David Witter (UMKC)
Light Pillars II by Clay Allen (CU)
Voices by Josiah Sprankle (UMKC)
Tour en l’air by David Beyer (UI)