Schedule for MGMC 2020
at The University of Iowa
Friday, March 6th
Opening Remarks/Announcements (in 2 VOX)
Paper Session 1: Protest and Identity in China (in 2 VOX)
“Pretest, Identity, and Digital Media in ‘Glory to Hong Kong’”
Lindsay Watkins, University of Florida
“Piano Is Chinese”
Minato Sakamoto, Duke University
Paper Session 2: Improvisation and Transcription (in 2 VOX)
“‘Non multa, sed multum’: Interrogating the Modernist Aphoristic Aesthetic”
Anna Nelson, University of Michigan
“Enhancing Music Education by Connecting Improvisation and Composition”
Jakub Rojek, University of Arizona
“Cyborg Sounds: Gonzalo Rubalcaba’s New Cuban Popular Music”
Felipe Guz Tinoco, Washington University in St. Louis
Paper Session 3: Musical Lives in Books, Games, and on the Stage (in 2 VOX)
“Opening Theme as Narrative in ‘Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater’”
Marcos Acevedo-Arús, Temple University
“Jane Austen and Thorough-Bass”
Nicole Peter, University of Iowa
“‘I’d Rather Pretend I’m Something Better than these Broken Parts’: Compulsory Able-Bodiedness
in Dear Evan Hansen”
Andrew Tubbs, Washington University in St. Louis
Composer’s Concert with the Center for New Music (in Concert Hall) (in 2 VOX)
Brunetto by Baldwin Giang, University of Chicago
Quiet Whirlpool by Zhengtong Xu, Syracuse University
Ripples in Infinity by Daniel Whitworth, Indiana University
Quarrel by Young-Jun Lee, Berklee College of Music
Leidenfrost: More Than A Cold Shoulder by Matt Mason, University of Iowa
Concert Reception (in Second-Floor Commons)
Saturday, March 7th
Paper Session 4: Music in the Margins of North America (in 2 VOX)
“Lofty Goals and Lucky Breaks: Wind Quintet Transcriptions and the Formation of Canon”
Sylvie Tran, University of Michigan
“Establishing a Transnational Jazz Scene in the Windsor-Detroit Borderlands”
Austin Di Pietro, Wayne State University
“Singing for Suffrage: The Compositions of J.H. DeVoe”
Alexis Tuttle, University of Iowa
Paper Session 5: Gender and Identity in Music and Media (in 2 VOX)
“Death on the Road: Music and the Deaths of Women in the Mad Max Film Franchise”
Lisa Mumme, Washington University in St. Louis
“Surprising, New Emotions: Female Narrative in Paolo Sorrentino’s Youth”
Kelly Cole, Bowling Green State University
“Gone Phishin’: Masculinity Politics in the Culture of Phish”
Daniel Backfish-White, Butler University
Composer Forum Session (in 2 VOX)
Keynote Session (in Recital Hall)
Dr. Naomi André, University of Michigan