Index of Lecturers
The Center for New Music
Agrell, Jeffrey: horn*02/10/02 |
Arnone, Anthony: violoncello*09/26/04 *02/05/06 *04/01/06 *04/09/06 *04/17/06 *10/15/06*10/21/07 *04/15/08 *05/04/08 *05/08/08 *04/05/09 *03/27/11 *09/22/13 *12/07/14 |
Beer, John: trumpet*1968–69 |
Charles, Jean-François: clarinet/musical direction/conductor*04/30/17 *05/06/17 *10/29/17 *05/04/18 *04/19/19 *11/15/19 |
Christensen, Thomas: piano*1994–95 |
Coelho, Benjamin: bassoon/contrabassoon*1998–99 *02/13/00 *02/25/01 *02/10/02 *02/22/02 *04/06/03*12/05/04 *02/13/05 *12/07/14 *02/14/16 *12/11/16 *04/14/19 |
Conklin, Scott: violin*02/05/06 *04/01/06 *04/09/06 *04/17/06 *09/24/06 *10/15/06*03/04/07 *03/31/07 *04/17/07 *02/25/18 |
DesChamps, Elise: mezzo-soprano*02/16/20 |
Dixon, James: conductor*1994–95 |
Gannett, Diana: double bass*1998–99 |
Gompper, David: conductor*09/18/99 *10/01/99 *10/02/99 *10/03/99 *12/05/99 *02/13/00*04/09/00 *12/03/00 *02/25/01 *03/29/01 *04/01/01 *09/28/01 *09/30/01 *11/05/01 *12/01/01 *04/06/02 *03/28/04 *09/26/04 *12/05/04 *02/13/05 *04/10/05 *09/16/05 *02/05/06 *02/16/06 *04/01/06 *04/09/06 *04/17/06 *09/24/06 *10/15/06 *03/04/07 *03/31/07 *04/17/07 *10/21/07 *04/15/08 *05/04/08 *05/08/08 *02/08/09 *04/05/09 *03/26/10 *04/08/10 *12/05/10 *04/15/11 *04/16/11 *04/17/11 *12/04/11 *02/12/12 *02/19/12 *04/19/12 *11/02/12 *02/17/13 *04/07/13 *09/22/13 *02/15/14 *04/13/14 *12/07/14 *02/15/15 *04/17/15 *02/14/16 *04/24/16 *09/25/16 *12/04/16 *04/23/17 *09/24/17 *11/05/17 *02/25/18 *04/06/18 *04/15/18 *09/23/18 *12/02/18 *02/24/19 *04/14/19 *09/22/19 *11/17/19 |
Gompper, David: piano*1994–95 *1998–99 *09/18/99 *04/02/00 *04/09/00 *12/03/00*04/01/01 *04/05/02 *12/04/03 *03/28/04 *04/10/05 *05/03/06 *09/13/06 *09/24/06 *09/21/08 *02/08/09 *10/18/09 *10/25/09 *02/14/10 *02/21/10 *03/06/10 *04/08/10 *09/22/10 *09/26/10 *03/27/11 *04/15/11 *04/16/11 *04/17/11 *10/30/11 *02/19/12 *02/25/12 *04/19/12 *10/28/12 *11/11/12 *09/22/13 *10/13/13 *10/02/14 *09/27/15 *03/02/17 *11/05/17 *12/02/18 *03/10/19 *09/22/19 *02/16/20 |
Greenhoe, David: trumpet*1981–82 *1988–89 *1990–91 *1994–95 *1995–96 *1997–98*1998–99 *02/13/00 *02/10/02 *02/23/03 *02/13/05 |
Grippe, Kerry: piano*1978–79 |
Heidel, Mark: conductor*11/02/12 |
Hill, John: trombone*1968–69 |
Hinkle–Turner, Elizabeth: keyboard*1993–94 |
Iowa Brass Quintet*02/10/02 |
Iowa String Quartet*1967–68 |
Jenni, D. Martin: piano/keyboards/harpsichord*1972–73 *1973–74 *1976–77 *1977–78 *1979–80 *1980–81*1983–84 *1985–86 *1989–90 *1993–94 *1997–98 |
Johansen, David: trombone*1994–95 |
Jones, Courtney: trumpet*04/17/15 |
Kaplan, Amelia: interim director, conductor, piano, electronic support*04/01/01 *09/22/02 *12/08/02 *02/23/03 *04/06/03 |
McCoy, Scott: tenor*1992–93 |
Mead, Maurita Murphy: clarinet*1984–85 *1985–86 *1990–91 *1991–92*04/27/00 *04/06/03 *12/05/04 *12/07/08 *03/27/11 |
Moore, Daniel: percussion/conductor*1996–97 *1998–99 *09/24/06 *02/12/12 *02/19/12 *10/28/12*09/27/15 *04/08/18 |
Moses, Don V.: UI Kantorei*1981–82 |
Nelson, David: violin*1992–93 |
Nosikova, Ksenia: piano*1998–99 |
Ohmes, Allen: violin*1992–93 |
Ohmes, Allen: violin*1992–93 |
Orhon, Volkan: double bass*02/13/05 *02/05/06 *04/01/06 *04/09/06 *04/17/06 *10/15/06*02/08/09 *02/19/12 *12/04/16 *12/09/16 *04/08/18 *12/02/18 |
Parker, Andrew: english horn, oboe*12/05/10 |
Puderbaugh, David: conductor*10/21/07 |
Rhoads, Shari: piano*12/07/08 |
Roché, Janice: contralto*1972–73 |
Rutledge, Christine: viola*04/09/00 *02/25/01 *02/13/05 *02/05/06 *04/01/06 *04/09/06*04/17/06 *09/24/06 *10/15/06 *02/08/09 *02/14/10 *02/19/12 *02/12/17 *11/05/17 *12/02/18 *11/17/19 |
Sandvik, Gro: flute*04/29/07 |
Scea, Paul: director JCL*04/29/07 |
Schepkin, Sergey: piano*1997–98 |
Shapiro, Daniel: piano*1996–97 |
Somville, Marilyn: narrator*1980–81 |
Stanton, Zachary: conductor*09/22/13 *02/15/14 *09/28/14 *09/27/15 *12/06/15 *02/14/16*11/05/17 *02/10/18 *12/02/18 |
Thelander, Kristin: horn*1989–90 *1996–97 *1997–98 *1998–99 *12/05/99 *04/06/03*03/28/04 *09/24/06 *04/13/14 |
Thweatt, Tamara: flute, piccolo*09/26/04 *02/13/05 *09/16/05 *02/05/06 *04/01/06 *04/09/06*04/17/06 |
Tsachor, Uriel: piano*1995–96 |
VanCura, John: baritone*1980–81 |
Weiger, Mark: oboe, english horn*1989–90 *1990–91 *1991–92 *1992–93 *1994–95 *1996–97 *1998–99*12/05/99 *03/29/01 *04/01/01 *09/28/01 *09/30/01 *04/06/03 *03/28/04 *02/13/05 *02/05/06 *04/01/06 *04/09/06 *04/17/06 |
Wendt, Charles: cello*1995–96 |
Wolfe, Katie: violin*04/01/06 *04/09/06 *04/17/06 *10/15/06 *04/27/07 *04/03/09*03/27/11 *04/19/12 *02/25/18 |