A list of works performed by The Center for New Music Ensemble and guests
Radovanovic, VladanMix*09/30/01 |
Radulescu, HoratiuString Quartet No. 5 "before the universe was born"*10/30/11 |
Raine-Reusch, RYa Ribon*10/02/11 |
Rakowski, DavidSesso e Violenza*12/08/02 |
Ran, ShulamitConcerto da Camera II*04/02/00 *04/15/11 *04/16/11 East Wind *04/02/00 For an Actor: Monologue for Clarinet *03/30/88 *04/02/00 Private Game *04/02/00 *04/27/07 Soliloquy *04/02/00 |
Randall, J. K.Lyric Variations for violin and computer*09/27/69 |
Randall, ZacharyIt couldn't be done*2018/02/10@3pm |
Rands, BernardBallad I*04/29/73 *09/26/76 Canti Del Sole *04/04/93 Ceremonial *1995/04/07@7:00 Concertino for oboe and ensemble *11/13/98 *10/15/99 *03/29/01 Formants I -- Les Gestes *04/16/72 *11/29/73 *02/03/74 ... in the receding mist ... *04/04/93 Scherzi *02/11/89 |
Ranta, MichaelSchlagzeug Duo II*04/18/87 |
Rao, AmitabhPizarco*1993/11/06@8:00 |
Rapaport-Stein, JeremyMumblebug*03/03/18 |
Ravel, MauriceChansons Madécasses*11/15/76 Histoires naturelles *10/18/09 Sonata *09/11/00 Sonate pour violon et piano *09/22/10 *09/26/10 Tzigane *02/28/17 |
Rayeva, OlgaLes Vitrages*09/30/00 |
Raynovich, WilliamMean for piano*1998/11/7/@ 2:00 |
Read, GardnerFive Aphorisms*09/24/00 |
Read, T. L.Combination 23:20 for violin and piano*05/24/67 |
Regan, MartyA Spectacle of Humid Nightblue Fruit*1993/11/06@10:30 |
Reger, MaxSelections from Schlichte Weisen, op. 76*10/18/09 |
Reich, SteveEight Lines*04/28/96 Music for Pieces of Wood *11/23/80 Tehillim (Parts I-IV) *12/09/89 |
Reiprich, BruceSpring Road*04/10/82 |
Rekleitis, KostasWhen They Come Alive*04/18/12 |
Renk, ChrisCave Paintings*11/02/12 |
Reubke, JuliusSonata (Psalm 94)*10/13/06 |
Revualtas, SilvestreToccata (1931)*10/01/09 |
Reynolds, RogerThe Behaviour of Mirrors*03/07/93 |
Reynolds, VerneEcho Variations*04/04/92 |
Reznicow, JoshuaChildren of Poseidon*10/13/00 |
Riabtsev, DmitriBerceuse*2000/10/1/@8pm |
Richey, JohnPrelude and Fugue for Solo Guitar*1993/11/06@10:30 |
Riley, DennisApparitions*12/16/84 *10/13/85 *03/08/86 Concertante Music I for pno and 13 instru *04/18/71 *02/11/73 "The fragility of the flower unbruised" *10/10/70 Variations II: Trio *10/19/68 Variations III: va *11/17/72 Variations IV *10/01/78 |
Riley, TerryGood Medicine from Salome Dances for Peace*1995/04/08@8:00 |
Ritz, JohnThe Sun*02/10/02 |
Rivadeneira, PedroFutures' New Skin*12/09/89 |
Robert-Diessel, LucieDialogue Symphonique*02/16/06 |
Roberts, Jeremy DaleWinter Music (1990)*02/16/92 Nyanyuskha's Song *02/14/99 Nyanyuskha's Other Song *02/14/99 Stele for John Lambert *02/14/99 Casida - del corazon amortajado *02/14/99 Croquis *02/14/99 In The Same Space *02/14/99 |
RodericusAngelorum Psalat*10/12/13 |
Rodrigo, JoaquinCapriccio*04/02/09 |
Roeder, DanielSong of Simeon*10/19/08 |
Rogers, Rodney(wie ein Hauch)*10/01/78 |
Rohr, CarolA Bright Light*09/25/93 |
Rolnick, Neil B.Ever Livin' Rhythm*09/28/85 |
Ronsheim, John RichardBitter-Sweet*02/14/82 Easter Wings *12/07/66 *02/14/82 Words from Shakespeare *12/07/66 |
Rorem, NedCatullus: On the Burial of his Brother*10/27/11 |
Roshandel, RaminAbstract*09/09/18 Abstract #2 *03/31/19 *05/05/19 Abstract #3 - Sounds we hear, those we don't *12/08/18 Déjà vu *09/17/17 Improvisation for piano *12/09/18 irreducibility *09/08/19 *12/08/19 r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r *2019/10/27@7:30pm Whennes *2018/04/07@4pm |
Ross, John C & Nutter, GeoffreyGames We Love*12/07/92 |
Rosse, FrancoiseLe Frene Egare*10/10/11 |
Rossi, Wynn-AnneSelections for Piano*03/31/96 |
Rosza, MiklosToccata Carpicciosa op. 3*05/31/00 |
Roumain, Daniel BernardTribute*1993/11/06@1:30 |
Royall, GeoffreyVacillations*1993/11/06@8:00 Sonnet 17 *1995/04/06@3:00 |
Rózsa, MiklosIntroduction and Allegro for solo viola, op. 44*02/08/09 |
Rubin, CoreyHot Potato*11/04/16 |
Ruccia, DanI Might Fit (on texts by Christian Bök)*02/10/13 |
Rudy, PaulChurch Keys*04/06/02 |
Russell, ArmandTransfluent Forms*04/14/99 |
Rutherford, Drake3 Impromptus for piano*2018/04/07@10am |
Ruviaro, BrunoWherever We Are*12/12/15 |
Ryan, KathleenDrivin!*09/25/93 |