A list of works performed by The Center for New Music Ensemble and guests
Saccone, TomasAfter L'Addio/Felt*02/25/17 |
Sain, James PaulPolestar*2019/09/22@7:30pm Zygote *09/30/96 |
Salonen, Esa-PekkaNachtlieder*03/25/96 |
Samaras, ChristosApologie IV*04/05/98 |
Sandler, Felicia AnnThree Songs*1998/11/7/@ 4:00 |
Sanford, DavidChamber Concerto No. 5*09/22/02 |
Sarasate, Pablo deCarmen-Fantasy*02/19/11 |
Satie, ErikChoses vues à droite et à gauche*09/11/00 |
Satterwhite, MarcTime Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones*1995/04/08@10:15 |
Saunders, JamesFive Pieces*09/10/00 |
Saunders, RebeccaFury II*04/14/19 |
Scalkottas, NikosQuartets No. 1 & 2*04/05/98 |
Scea, PaulBukowski*02/11/89 |
Scelsi, GiacintoQuattro Pezzi*09/10/00 |
Schafer, R. MurrayThird String Quartet*04/28/96 |
Schieve*/RoddickBridge, Actors, Musicians*04/14/90 |
Schimmel, CarlAn Illustrated Ontogeny of the Flower Snark*03/10/15 |
Schlee, Thomas Daniel3 Signs, op. 53*05/22/05 |
Schmich Kinney, Jasperbreaking the silence of an ancient pond*02/28/16 |
Schnebel, D.Bagatellen*10/21/96 |
Schnittke, AlfredHymnus III and Hymnus IV*02/13/94 |
Schoenberg, ArnoldBrettl-Lieder (Cabaret Songs)*09/22/10 Fantasy for Vn with Pno Accompaniment *02/12/78 Fourth String Quartet, op. 37 *05/18/69 Friede auf Erden, op. 13 *11/21/81 Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte *11/14/71 Phantasie op. 47 *09/11/00 *09/13/06 *04/04/09 Pierrot Lunaire, op. 21 *03/15/68 *02/03/74 *11/21/81 *12/04/94 *04/09/07 *04/25/10 Suite für Klavier, op. 25 *02/12/81 Suite op. 29 *11/12/67 *04/02/83 Three Cabaret Songs *11/15/76 Drei Klavierstücke, op. 11 *10/27/74 *02/12/81 Fünf Klavierstücke, op. 23 *02/12/81 Sechs kleine Klavierstücke, op. 19 *10/14/72 *03/11/79 *02/12/81 Klavierstück, op. 33a & 33b *02/12/81 String Trio, op. 45 *10/28/66 *10/21/73 *11/29/73 *02/24/85 Verklaerte Nacht, op. 4 (arr Steuermann) *02/21/10 |
Schoenfield, PaulCamp Songs*04/04/09 |
Schrader, BarryFive Arabesques*04/06/02 |
Schubert, FranzRondo in D Major, D. 608*02/09/13 |
Schubert, MarkMerchants*02/27/77 |
Schulhoff, ErwinDuo for violin and cello*05/08/11 |
Schuller, GuntherDouble Quintet*03/13/80 Fantasy for Solo Harp *03/13/80 Five Pieces for Five Horns *03/13/80 Sonata Serenata *03/13/80 |
Schulthorpe, PeterString Quartet No. 8 in Five Movements*10/05/86 |
Schultz, MarkDragons in the Sky*1995/04/07@10:15 |
Schuman, WilliamPrelude for Voices*03/14/71 |
Schumann, Robertselections from Waldscenen, op. 82*04/03/09 |
Schwartz, ElliottKaleidoscope*02/14/10 |
Schweinitz, Wolfgang vonPlainsound String Quartet "Holy Howl"*10/12/13 |
Schwendinger, LauraC'é la Luna Questa Sera?*02/17/13 *04/07/13 Fable *1995/04/07@1:30 Equatorial Jungle *05/05/13 Rapture *05/01/06 Sonata for solo violin *04/27/07 String Quartet *11/11/10 Treetop Studio *02/24/19 |
Scott, CleveResidue I*09/27/69 |
Sculthorpe, PeterIrkanda I*04/02/09 |
Seeger, Ruth CrawfordSuite for woodwing quintet*09/22/02 |
Senfl, LudwigNon usitata nec tenui ferar*10/27/11 |
Sengstschmid, JohanRapsody for violin solo op. 54*09/11/00 |
Shallenberg, RobertHerbsttag*10/28/66 |
Shapey, RalphIncantations*05/04/68 |
Sharp, ElliotThe Boreal*11/15/09 |
Shatin, JudithSecret Ground*05/05/08 |
Shchedrin, RodionThree Shepherds (1988)*12/08/91 |
Shekhar, NinaCajón*2016/11/05@10am |
Shin, Eun-HeeWave*1993/11/06@1:30 |
Shin, Wonhee (CCM)There is Him*2008/02/09@8:00 |
Shinohara, MakotoObsession*02/23/03 |
Short, BernardChange*10/12/14 *04/12/15 *2015/04/18@10am Disquietude *05/05/18 Metamorphosis *04/03/16 Paradox *09/20/15 Phase *11/01/15 Scaturient *04/11/15 Ton Toxoti *09/17/17 |
Shostakovich, DimitriPassacaglia from the opera "Katerina Izmailova"*10/13/06 |
Shum, NatalieWalking in the Cemetery*2018/04/07@2pm |
Siegfried, KevinEmblems*09/25/93 |
Siegfried, Kevin & Kenning, JanetDesire*12/07/92 |
Simmons, JacobAmerican Corners*04/10/15 Archaeology *09/04/16 Cognatic *05/08/16 *2016/11/05@10am Compass Correction *2015/04/18@7:30pm Dissolution Parade *12/04/15 The implication of what is missing *04/30/17 Midnight River Solitude *10/12/14 Momentary Mirror *11/01/15 on that particular morning… *09/20/15 Viscosity & Segmentarity *12/08/13 Willful Suspension *09/17/17 |
Simpson, JackThe Way Life is*05/05/18 |
Sioumak, AlexeyLetters without Words*11/02/01 |
Siskind, PaulCelli Celesti for 2 cellos*02/05/06 Claptrap *04/28/96 Duo-Bagatelles for clarinet and cello *02/22/98 *02/05/06 Rituale for soprano saxophone and percussion *02/05/06 |
Skrowaczewski, StanislawFantasie per Sei (1988)*05/06/12 |
Slice, John van derSolo for Trombone*1995/04/06@1:30 |
Smalley, DenisBase Metals*04/06/02 |
Smart, MattChiasma*11/06/11 Cope *03/06/11 ??? *09/16/12 Fourth Stream Chronologies *10/28/2012@730pm |
Sment, Jeremy (IN)Violin Sonata No. 1*2008/02/09@2:00 |
Smith, CoreyGesture No. 1*2012/11/03@730pm |
Smoot, RichardTango and Dance*1995/04/08@10:15 |
SolageFumeux fume par fumee*12/06/19 |
Sollberger, HarveyAurelian Schoes*03/24/17 Grand Quartet for Flutes *03/24/17 Hara *03/24/17 Riding the Wind I *03/12/78 Second Grand Quartet for 16 Flutes *03/24/17 Solos for violin and five instruments *10/15/67 Sunflowers *03/12/78 *04/16/78 Two Pieces for Two Flutes *11/13/66 *03/12/78 *03/24/17 |
Sollima, GiovanniViaggio in Italia*10/20/16 |
Sondheim, StephenA Musical Celebration*04/01/98 |
Songayllo, RayQuintet for Piano and Strings*09/25/93 |
Soper, KateThe Ultimate Poem is Abstract*02/16/20 |
Sorkin, SuzanneToward the Other Shore*04/20/13 |
Sottile, Daniel JosephResistance is Futile*2012/11/03@1030am |
Southwood, JonathanStudy*10/12/97 |
Spassov, IvanConfrontation for violin and cello*2011//09/24 |
Spenceri, Alexander[Ambiguous single-word title…]*09/17/17 extra-temporal deviations *09/09/18 *10/14/18 .Meditate. *03/25/18 Nightmare of Moloch! *05/04/18 The Word Unspoken *05/08/16 |
Sprankle, JosiahVoices*2018/04/07@4pm |
Spratlan, LewisMoments-Memento-Momentum*11/02/01 |
Spyrou, Alexandros3 petits récits*04/17/15 Ataktos Errimmena, for piano 6 hands *10/23/16 Cocci II *12/13/14 Concerto for iPhone and laptop orchestra *04/26/14 Esotera I *11/01/15 Esotera II *03/28/15 Esotera III *10/06/14 In limbo *12/08/13 Kypris Fragment *10/12/14 *11/07/14 Nyktor *09/20/15 Pisyressin *10/11/13 Thravsmata *11/09/14 Untitled IV *09/04/16 *2016/11/05@2:00pm |
Stamatelos, KaterinaNocturn No. 2*04/28/97 Oracle for mezzo-soprano and ensemble *1998/11/7/@ 8:00 |
Stanojevic, VeraChamber Music*09/28/01 |
Stark, BruceFarewell Song*12/01/86 |
Steele, ScottNine Coins*2015/04/18@7:30pm |
Stefani, EwanForza*09/10/00 |
Stefanou, AlbinaIncantation*2000/10/1/@8pm |
Stein, LeonConcerto for Clarinet and Percussion; Toccata #2*02/14/81 |
Steinke, GregSanta Fe Trail Echoes*02/20/16 |
Stephanidis, DemosthenesIthaka*04/18/12 |
Stockhausen, KarlheinzGesang der Jünglinge*05/18/69 In Freundschaft *04/10/82 Klavierstücke VII and V *11/13/66 Klavierstücke IX *02/18/68 Kontakte *12/14/69 *09/23/73 Kontakte for four-channel electronic tape *04/18/76 Kontakte for pno, perc, and four-channel tape *04/18/76 Refrain *02/10/67 *10/27/74 *09/28/79 *03/15/86 Tierkreis - Zodiac, Nr. 41 8/9 *10/28/2012@2pm Zyklus *02/06/72 *02/15/76 *02/12/78 *09/20/80 *02/20/81 *04/06/85 *04/30/88 |
Strang, JohnLove Songs*1993/11/06@10:30 |
Stravinsky, IgorBerceuses du chat*11/22/75 Concerto per due pianoforti soli *10/16/82 *10/17/09 Dumbarton Oaks Concerto *09/28/79 Duo Concertant *04/03/09 Ebony Concerto *02/11/79 Elegie *04/02/09 Elegy for solo viola *04/18/71 Fanfare for a New Theatre *12/07/66 *09/27/69 *11/22/75 *12/07/80 In Memoriam Dylan Thomas *03/05/72 L'Histoire du Soldat *03/29/69 Les Noces *1971/05/6-15 Octet *04/04/09 Octet for wind instruments *09/27/69 The Owl and the Pussy-cat *11/22/75 Ragtime *11/22/75 Renard *11/22/75 Serenade in A *12/05/71 Symphonies of Wind Instruments *11/22/75 Septet *10/19/84 Suite No. 1 & 2 *09/30/12 Tango *11/22/75 Three Japanese Lyrics *11/13/66 *04/18/81 Three Movements from "Petrouchka" *02/09/13 Three Songs from William Shakespeare *12/07/66 *03/18/72 Trois petites chansons *11/22/75 Two Balmont Songs *11/13/66 Two Poems of Balmont *04/18/81 |
Struck-Marcell, AndrewMy End is Dissolution*09/26/04 |
Stucky, StevenSappho Fragments*10/27/11 |
Suber, StephenAngels*04/14/99 |
Subotnick, MortonUntil Spring*10/19/75 |
Sumera, LepoPardon, Frederic, Symphony*10/21/07 |
Summer, JeromeExtensions*04/05/02 |
Swann, DonaldSelections from The Bestiary of Flanders and Swann*10/18/09 |
Swift, RichardA Stitch in Time*03/07/93 |
Sylvester, Charlotte (CCM)A Disquieted Existence*2008/02/09@8:00 |
Szmyrgala, DanielUntitled*12/08/18 |
Szymanowski, KarolStabat Mater*04/05/95 |