A list of works performed by The Center for New Music Ensemble and guests
Cadwell, JeffreyRush Hours*10/13/00 |
Cage, John4' 33"*05/09/71 *04/16/88 44 Harmonies from Apartment House *02/12/12 Amores *12/04/11 *05/09/71 Aria *05/09/71 *04/29/73 Cartridge Music *05/09/71 Concerto for Piano and Orchestra *11/10/68 *05/09/71 *04/29/73 *12/07/80 *04/16/88 Concerto for Prepared Piano and Ensemble *02/12/12 Experiences # 1 *10/12/92 First Construction in Metal *04/25/80 *02/12/12 Fontana Mix *05/09/71 *04/29/73 Forever and Sunsmell *12/04/11 *02/12/12 Four *10/25/12 Imaginary Landscapes No. 2-4 *09/30/96 Indeterminacy *05/09/71 Music for Carillon, Radio Music *05/09/71 Musicircus *02/12/12 One *10/12/92 Radio Music *05/09/71 Second Construction *10/11/87 Six Short Inventions *02/12/12 Solo for Voice 2 *05/09/71 Sonatas and Interludes *12/04/05 Speech *02/12/12 The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs *05/09/71 Third Construction *02/11/79 *10/11/87 Variations IV *05/09/71 Water Music *05/09/71 Williams Mix *05/09/71 Winter Music *05/09/71 |
Cai, HongweiMoments*04/06/18 Nocturne *04/27/19 Qing *09/04/16 Scrat loves his acorn *09/17/17 A Shadow Shrouded *12/08/13 String Quartet *03/13/19 Tempest in Yellow *09/08/19 You Came from Our Hometown *09/09/18 |
Callery, EoinSlow Set - Are You Dancin'?*12/12/15 |
Cantor, JamesSamples*10/03/77 |
Capp, TylerClang*04/17/15 |
Cardew, CorneliusTreatise*09/12/10 |
Cardi, MauroManao Tupapau*04/01/01 |
Cardona, AlejandroZachic IV (Bird of a hundred voices)*10/01/09 |
Carl, RobertSpiral Dances*03/31/96 |
Carlson, StephanThe Thing in the Cave*12/14/19 |
Carter, ElliottCanon for 4 -- Homage to William*02/28/87 Changes *03/07/93 Eight Etudes for Timpani *11/20/82 Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux *02/28/87 Four Lauds *05/01/06 Fragment *1995/04/08@8:00 Gra *03/07/99 A Mirror On Which to Dwell *02/10/80 Pastoral *10/13/13 Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi *02/28/87 *10/03/01 String Quartet no. 2 *11/17/17 String Quartet No. 3 (1971) *10/04/14 Triple Duo *04/28/85 Woodwind Quintet *04/09/07 |
Carvahlo, DiogoReveal*02/25/17 |
Cassola, StephenNataraja Cycle*04/10/82 |
Castiglioni, NiccoloTropi*12/07/66 |
Castri, Zosha diString Quartet No. 1*12/07/18 |
Cazan, ScottCritical Mass*12/12/15 |
Chadabe, JoelEchoes*02/15/75 |
Chambers, EvanCrazed for the Flame*09/16/05 Deep Flowers *1995/04/08@10:15 |
Chang, DorothyFrom a Dream*10/02/11 |
Chao, Ching-WenSoundstates*04/29/08 |
Charles, Jean-FrançoisAeris*2019/10/27@3pm Aqua ignis *04/08/18 Electroclarinet 1 *04/08/18 Electroclarinet 4 *12/01/17 Guitar School *05/06/17 Magma ignis *2019/10/27@3pm Music From Airports *05/04/18 Nattie's Air *12/03/18 Petrasonic *2019/10/27@3pm Petrified *04/19/19
Chave, GeorgeThree Reflections for Solo Violoncello*11/07/94 |
Chen, Chin-ChinPoints of Arrival*1998/11/7/@ 2:00 |
Chen, Hsin-Lei (CCM)Image, Mirage*2008/02/09@8:00 |
Chen, JoeRed*2018/04/07@10am |
Chen, LangSix Miniatures*2016/11/05@10am |
Chenette, JonathanEric Hermannson's Soul, an opera*09/24/93 Fantasy and Fugue on BACH *09/28/97 Fast Track *10/13/00 |
Cheng, Chee-SwenArrival of the East Wind*11/05/93 Noka *04/28/97 Vigilant *1995/04/06@3:00 |
Chertok, PearlAround the Clock Suite*03/08/86 |
Cheung, AnthonyTime's Vestiges*12/08/13 |
ChiayuTwelve Signs*04/20/13 |
Chien, SansanForbidden Decision*1993/11/06@1:30 |
Child, PeterConcertino for violin and chamber winds*05/06/12 |
Choi, SangguenJealousy*09/08/19 |
Chow, Jun-YiSonata for viola solo*2012/11/03@1030am |
Christou, JaniAnaparastasis I*04/05/98 |
Chubb, MarkCeilings*10/12/97 Stress Relations *1998/11/7/@ 8:00 |
Chung, Yiui-kwongVictoria*10/10/11 |
Ciach, BrianII. Broken Love, from Third Sonata for piano*9/22/2013@7:30pm |
Clarinda, RobertBoyents*04/06/79 |
Clayton, LauraCree Songs to the Newborn*04/06/79 |
Cless, ElliotSong Cycles, for saxophone*02/10/13 |
Cline, Nicholas3 Duos*2012/11/03@1030am |
Cohen, Gilad10 Variations*03/08/12 |
Cole, Andrew SeagerAgni Sakshi*2010/03/27@2:00 |
Cole, RyanTrio*12/03/11 |
Coleman, RandolphSweet William*03/11/79 |
Colson, DavidMeditatio*02/24/85 |
Comer, JustinElephant*09/16/12 Betrayal *10/11/13 Contrast, for woodwind quintet *11/14/13 Elephant *10/28/2012@730pm *2012/11/03@3:30pm Ex-Con for two marimbas *04/26/14 Quartet for LOUi *12/13/14 Shed *04/28/13 |
Connell, RyanNight Sketches: First, Second, Third*2012/04/14@11am |
Cook, Aidan PatrickMind Crumbles Away*2015/04/18@7:30pm |
Cope, DavidMargins*02/15/75 |
Corbett, SidneySonata for solo violin*04/13/18 |
Corder, NathanA figure traced in the dark*02/25/17 |
Corigliano, JohnTarantella, from Gazebo Dances*02/09/13 |
Corner, PhilipBoth hands, breathing*02/15/13 |
Correggia, EnricoCome vasto l'abisso*04/01/01 |
Correia, Andreia PintoString Quartet No. 1 "Unvanquished Space"*12/07/18 |
Costa, JohnOutono, Na Padra De Mar*11/13/87 |
Cotallo-Solares, Carlos18-19/09/15*09/20/15 Branch *05/08/16 *11/04/16 El Arzobispo de Constantinopla *02/28/16 Extreme Metal Study *04/27/19 generations 1.1 *12/08/18 generations 2.1 for video and improvisers *12/09/18 Karellen *11/15/17 Lead *11/01/15 Loud Soft Music/Soft Loud Music *03/25/18 *2018/04/07@2pm Obscenes *05/05/18 Sorry, Audrey *04/12/15 Speed *09/04/16 Three Canons *12/08/13 |
Cowell, HenryThe Banshee, The Tides of Manauon, The Tiger*03/14/71 |
Cox, Cindyfrom Hierosgamos: Studies in Harmony and Resonance*11/17/11 |
Crawford-Seeger, RuthDiaphonic Suites I; III; IV*11/09/77 |
Crawford, RuthMusic for Small Orchestra*05/03/06 |
Crockett, DonaldScree*12/05/10 |
Crockett, EdgarEllision*11/23/97 *1998/11/7/@ 4:00 |
Cross, LowellThree Etudes*10/09/71 |
Crumb, GeorgeAncient Voices of Children*03/25/73 *10/01/78 Dream Sequence [Images II] *09/28/85 Eine Kleine Mitternacht Music *05/01/06 Eleven Echoes of Autumn, 1965 *03/03/74 An Idyll For The Misbegotten *12/05/99 Makrokosmos, Vol. I *04/02/73 Music for a Summer Evening *10/10/81 Night Music I *11/12/67 Sonata for Solo Violoncello *11/07/94 *04/05/02 Songs, Drones, and Refrains of Death *03/29/69 *05/09/69 *11/23/80 Voice of the Whale *09/26/04 |
Cunningham, CoreyAll the Rage*2012/11/03@730pm |
Currier, SebastianIntimations*03/10/15 |
Custer, SethHijinks for tenor saxophone and electronic media*05/03/09 Colloquy *2008/02/09@4:00 |