Jean-François Charles, Music director, LOUi
Sivan Cohen Elias, Visiting Asst Professor, 2019-20
Sanggeun Choi, Research Asst, CNM
Mark Rheaume, Wenxin Li and Hongwei Cai, Research Assts, CW

The composers and musicians participating in the final CNM concert in Season 53 .
CNM's 2019-20 Season Concert Preview— All concerts are free and open to the public — |
2019 Sept 08 7:30p Sept 22 3:00p Sept 22 7:30p Oct 27 3p & 5p Oct 27 7:30p Nov 09 7:30p Nov 15 7:30p Nov 17 7:30p Nov 20 7:30p Dec 04 7:30p Dec 06 7:30p Dec 08 7:30p Dec 14 7:30p |
2020 Feb 16 7:30p Mar 06 6:30p Mar 11 7:30p Mar 29 7:30p Apr 19 7:30p Apr 20 7:30p Apr 22 4:30p & 7:30p May 05 7:30p May 10 7:30p |

Presented by
The University of Iowa - School of Music
Society of Composers, Iowa Student Chapter
Zachery Meier, president; Ramin Roshandel, vice president;
Mark Rheaume, treasurer; Wenxin Li, secretary;
SCI Annual 24 + 24 Hour Concert Project
Friday, September 6, 2019 at 5:00p in the Recital Hall
Sunday, September 8, 2019 at 7:30p in the Concert Hall
Conceived in 2012 with the aim of fostering strong bonds and collaborative relationships between performers and composers at the School of Music, the 24 + 24 Hour Project began by randomly assigning composers to volunteer musicians from the School of Music studios. These composers then had twenty-four hours to compose an original work for their assigned performers. Once the performers received the new work, they had up to twenty-four hours to learn and rehearse the composition until the performance.

Kyle Motl
New Music for Solo Double Bass
Sunday, September 22, 2019 at 3:00p in the Recital Hall
Our guest for this concert is Kyle Motl, a bassist, composer, and improviser dedicated to the performance of creative music. His work explores issues of chaos and complexity through rhythmic and spectral transformations while remaining grounded in an embodied approach to performance and a direct engagement with materials. Kyle regularly gives solo concerts which expand upon the vast timbral resources of the contrabass.

Guest Composer James Paul Sain
The Center for New Music Ensemble
Sunday, September 22, 2019 at 7:30p in the Concert Hall
Our guest for this concert is James Paul Sain, Professor of Music at the University of Florida where he has taught acoustic and electroacoustic music composition, theory, and technology for 28 years. He founded and directed the internationally acclaimed Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival for 17 years. Sain is responsible for programming over 1700 works of contemporary art music. His compositional oeuvre spans all major acoustic ensembles, instrumental and vocal soloists, and has embraced electroacoustic music. His works have been featured at major national and international societal events. He has presented his music in concert and given lectures in Asia, Europe, South America and North America. Dr. Sain is President Emeritus of the Society of Composers Inc. He previously served for several terms on American Composers Alliance Board of Governors. His music is available in print from Brazinmusikanta and American Composers Editions and on CD on the Capstone, Electronic Music Foundation, Innova, University of Lanús, Mark Masters, Albany and NACUSA labels.

The University of Iowa Center for New Music presents
Scientific Concert
A musical voyage from geology to chemistry
A musical show composed by Jean-François Charles
Volkan Orhon, Double Bass
Dan Moore, Percussion
With special guests:
Frederic Skiff, Professor of Physics
Ryan Clark, Geologist
Matthew Wortel, Thin Section Technician
Benjamin Revis, Scientific Glassblower
Lighting design by Will Borich
Sunday, October 27, 2019
at 3:00p & 5:00p in the Stark Opera Studio

the first of four Workshop concerts in Season 54
UI composers' recent works adjudicated and chosen by their peers
Composers’ Workshop Concert I
Sunday, October 27, 2019 at 7:30p in the Concert Hall
The Composers’ Workshop (CW), made available to the graduate and undergraduate students in the composition program, helps to promote new works in live performance, thus encouraging dialogue between composer/composer and composer/musician regarding musical ideas, instrumental techniques and mutually understood notation. The program is made up of pieces that are in various stages of development, from early sketches to completed compositions. Works for specialized performers, such as the JACK quartet, are adjudicated and considered for a performance. The CNM currently schedules four CW concerts with student performers annually, and one concert with the JACK Quartet each fall.

Indiana University Jacob's School of Music
Midwest Composers Symposium 2019
Saturday, November 9, 2019 at Indiana University, Bloomington
The Midwest Composers Symposium is a consortium made up of the composition departments of four American Midwest universities: the University of Cincinnati, Indiana University, the University of Iowa, and the University of Michigan. The purpose is to allow students to have contact with other composers at nearby institutions and to foster connections and self-identity. The symposium was begun in 1948 by Anthony Donato of Northwestern University, and Michigan, Illinois, and Iowa. For a few years during the 1960s, the symposium concerts ceased due to a change in academic calendars but resumed in the early 1970s, when most schools adopted the quarter system. Oberlin College joined at that point, and a few years later, Indiana University. Northwestern dropped out in 1992, as did Illinois and Oberlin in 2007. The University of Cincinnati joined in 2008.
Directed by Asst. Professor Jean-François Charles, the Laptop Orchestra of the University of Iowa (LOUi) is an experimental new music ensemble that promotes the intersection of acoustic and electronic music, of traditional or classical instruments with laptops, guitar pedals, and other electronic devices. Students create their own repertoire and develop improvisation skills.

The Center for New Music
David Gompper, director
The Center for New Music Ensemble
with Guest Timothy Gill
Principal cellist, London Sinfonietta
performing works by Furrer, Gompper, Ustvolskaya, and Jarrell
Sunday, November 17, 2019 at 7:30p in the Concert Hall

Guest Cellist, Timothy Gill with
Pianist, David Gompper in concert
performing works by Adès, Gompper, Causton and Thurlow
Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 7:30p in the Concert Hall
Timothy Gill studied in Paris, Cambridge University and the Royal Academy in London. In 1990 he won critical acclaim for his performances in the Park Lane Group series at London’s Southbank and has since enjoyed a lifelong commitment to contemporary music. He is principal cellist in the London Sinfonietta, with whom he has appeared as soloist throughout the world, most recently at the MiTo international festival in Turin and at the BBC Proms. Last year he gave a recital of solo contemporary music as part of the Cello Unwrapped series at London’s Kings Place. In addition, Tim has appeared as principal cellist with all the London orchestras. He held the post of principal cellist with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO) for 15 years, touring the world and appearing frequently with them as a concerto soloist. He also enjoyed a shorter tenure as principal with English National Opera. In 2016 Tim left the RPO in order to focus more fully on his solo career.
In cooperation with the UI String Quartet Residency Program, CNM presents

Readings of new works by UI students
The JACK Quartet
Reading Sessions
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
at 3:00pm to 6:00pm in the Recital Hall
Thursday, December 5, 2019
at 1:00pm to 4:30pm in the Recital Hall

The JACK Quartet in Concert
Violinists Christopher Otto and Austin Wulliman
Violist John Pickford Richards, and Cellist Jay Campbell
JACK operates as a nonprofit organization dedicated to the performance, commissioning, and spread of new string quartet music. Dedicated to education, the quartet spends two weeks each summer teaching at New Music on the Point, a contemporary chamber music festival in Vermont for young performers and composers. JACK has a long-standing relationships with the University of Iowa String Quartet Residency Program, where they teach and collaborate with students each fall, and the Boston University Center for New Music, where they visit each semester. Additionally, the quartet makes regular visits to schools including Columbia University, Harvard University, New York University, Princeton University, Stanford University, and the University of Washington.

the second four Workshop concerts in Season 54
UI composers' recent works adjudicated and chosen by their peers
Composers’ Workshop Concert II
Sunday, December 8, 2019 at 7:30p in the Concert Hall
The Composers’ Workshop (CW), made available to the graduate and undergraduate students in the composition program, helps to promote new works in live performance, thus encouraging dialogue between composer/composer and composer/musician regarding musical ideas, instrumental techniques and mutually understood notation. The program is made up of pieces that are in various stages of development, from early sketches to completed compositions. Works for specialized performers, such as the JACK quartet, are adjudicated and considered for a performance. The CNM currently schedules four CW concerts with student performers annually, and one concert with the JACK Quartet each fall.

Presented by the Electronic Music Studio
Sivan Cohen Elias, director
The Electronic Music Studio Concert I
Saturday, December 14, 2019 at 7:30p in the Stark Opera Studio
Instructed by Visiting Asst. Prof. Sivan Cohen Elias, the Fall Electronic Media class allows students from any field to gain the fundamental knowledge needed to create original electroacoustic music. In this concert the students will present their 8-channel electroacoustic compositions inspired by the theme of "imaginary sound machines". The concert will also feature audio-visual works by advanced composition students.

David Gompper, director
A concert featuring Words and Music
Sunday, February 16, 2020 at 7:30p in the Concert Hall
A Words and Music program that features compositions by two American and two British composers with a focus on the variety of ways composers have approached setting text to music. The traditional pairing of voice and piano is represented by Gerald Finzi and Richard Causton (King’s College, Cambridge). And the expansion of the voice within small and large ensembles is represented by the American composers John Harbison and Kate Soper. The concert features both faculty and students from the Voice Area within the School of Music.

The 24th annual meeting of the Midwest Graduate Music Consortium showcases original graduate scholarship and performances, seeking to interrogate “Music(s) at the Margins” of graduate study and will feature a keynote address delivered by Dr. Naomi André of the University of Michigan’s College of Literature, Science, and the Arts where she is Professor in Women’s Studies and the Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, and is the Associate Director for Faculty at the Residential College.
Schedule of Events
Friday & Saturday, March 6 & 7, 2020
MGMC 2020 Concert
Friday, March 6, 2020 at 6:30p in the Concert Hall
MGMC is a joint venture organized by graduate students from the University of Chicago, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Northwestern University, and the University of Iowa that promotes the presentation of original research and the composition of new music by graduate and advanced undergraduate students. The Midwest Graduate Music Consortium invites paper and performance submissions for its upcoming conference. We welcome proposals pertaining broadly to topics falling under the disciplinary classifications of music studies (ethno/musicology, music theory, performance, and pedagogy) and sound studies, as well as topics on the transdisciplinary frontier between music and its conceivably numerous neighbors.

Premiering UI School of Music composers' string works
auditioned in the December 4th & 5th readings
JACK Quartet
Violinists Christopher Otto and Austin Wulliman
Violist John Pickford Richards, and Cellist Jay Campbell
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 7:30p in the Concert Hall
Hailed by The New York Times as the “nation’s most important quartet”, the JACK Quartet is one of the most acclaimed, renowned, and respected groups performing today. JACK has maintained an unwavering commitment to their mission of performing and commissioning new works, giving voice to underheard composers, and cultivating an ever-greater sense of openness toward contemporary classical music. Over the past season, they have been selected as Musical America’s 2018 “Ensemble of the Year”, named to WQXR’s “19 for 19 Artists to Watch”, and awarded an Avery Fisher Career Grant.

the third concert in Season 54 of UI composers' recent works
adjudicated and chosen by their peers
Composers’ Workshop III / cancelled
Sunday, March 29, 2020 at 7:30p in the Concert Hall
The Composers’ Workshop (CW), made available to the graduate and undergraduate students in the composition program, helps to promote new works in live performance, thus encouraging dialogue between composer/composer and composer/musician regarding musical ideas, instrumental techniques and mutually understood notation. The program is made up of pieces that are in various stages of development, from early sketches to completed compositions. Works for specialized performers, such as the JACK quartet, are adjudicated and considered for a performance. The CNM currently schedules four CW concerts with student performers annually, and one concert with the JACK Quartet each fall.

The Center for New Music
David Gompper, director
The Center for New Music Ensemble IV / cancelled
Featuring works by Davide Ianni
Sunday, April 19, 2020 at 7:30p in the Concert Hall

Sarah Hetrick, saxophone
Kenken Gorder, trumpet / cancelled
Monday, April 20, 2020 at 7:30p in the Recital Hall
In cooperation with the Sustainability Charter Committee and the
Earth Day Teach-in Organizing Committee,
The Center for New Music announces events in

Celebrations of Earth Day
- Cancelled -

Earth Day Climate Change Literacy Teach-in Event
On April 22 from 9:30 am to 4:20 pm
at the Senate Chamber, Old Capitol (see Schedule)

Nimbus Dance
Samuel Pott, Artistic Director
and the
Center for New Music Ensemble
performing music by Qasim Naqvi in
Patch of Turf & Falling Sky (see video)
in two performances in Stark Opera Studio
on April 22, 2020 at 4:30pm and 7:30pm.
a live performance created and performed by MFA in Dance Graduate Students
Angelica DeLashmette-Hurst, Juliet Remmers, and Mariko Ishikawa
in a performance in the Atrium outside the Stark Opera Studio
on April 22, 2020 at 6:00pm.

Professor Jerry Schnoor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
will address the Stark audience following the evening performance.
Events are Sponsored by the Office of the President and the
Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
with thanks to additional sponsors
AAUP, Environmental Sciences, Center for Teaching, Public Policy Center
ICRU, Latham Outreach, OVPR, Environmental Coalition
IIHR, the College of Engineering, David Cwiertny (NSF grant and CHEEC),
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Earth Day Teach-in Organizing Committee
Jan Fassler, Erin Irish, David Gompper, Stratis Giannakouros
Emily Manders, Loren Glass, Matthieu Biger, Megan Lindmark
Michelle Scherer, Jerry Schnoor and David Cwiertny

the last concert in Season 54 of UI composers' recent works
adjudicated and chosen by their peers
Composers’ Workshop Concert IV / cancelled
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 7:30p in the Concert Hall
The Composers’ Workshop (CW), made available to the graduate and undergraduate students in the composition program, helps to promote new works in live performance, thus encouraging dialogue between composer/composer and composer/musician regarding musical ideas, instrumental techniques and mutually understood notation. The program is made up of pieces that are in various stages of development, from early sketches to completed compositions. Works for specialized performers, such as the JACK quartet, are adjudicated and considered for a performance. The CNM currently schedules four CW concerts with student performers annually, and one concert with the JACK Quartet each fall.

Presented by the Electronic Music Studio
Sivan Cohen Elias, director
The Electronic Music Studio Concert II / cancelled
Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 7:30p in the Stark Opera Studio
Instructed by Visiting Asst. Prof. Sivan Cohen Elias, the Fall Electronic Media class allows students from any field to gain the fundamental knowledge needed to create original electroacoustic music. In this concert the students will present their 8-channel electroacoustic compositions inspired by the theme of "imaginary sound machines". The concert will also feature audio-visual works by advanced composition students.