Center for New Music Season 51 Concert Series, Concert Events V - VIII
MidWest Composers Symposium
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UI hosting composers from the
Universities of Iowa, Michigan, Indiana and CCM at the
The University of Iowa,I School of Music Concert Hall
Concert I: Friday, November 4, 7:30pm
Kantorei, Timothy Stalter, director
How Beautiful is the Night by Jung Yoon Wie (Michigan)
3-5 excerpts from Ten Short Poems by Emily Dickinson by Nathan Thatcher (Michigan)
Percussion Ensemble, Dan Moore, director
Branch by Carlos Cotallo Solares (Iowa)
Wind Ensemble, Mark Heidel, director
Reigniere by Zachery Meier (Iowa)
Center for New Music Ensemble, David Gompper, director
Hot Potato by Corey Rubin (Indiana)
University of Iowa Symphony Orchestra, William LaRue Jones, director
Eva Variations by Michael Lanci (CCM)
Reception following the concert in the lobby

Concert II: Saturday, November 5, 10:00 am
Cajón by Nina Shekhar (Michigan)
A Brightness and a Quickening by Nicholas Landrum (Indiana)
Expanded Shapes by Carlos Toro-Tobón (Iowa)
The Burning Babe by Jared Hedges (Iowa)
Interwoven by Ábel Esbenshade (Indiana)
Aftersuite by Daniel Zlatkin (Michigan)
Driftless Valley Variations by Patricia Wallinga (Indiana)
Cognatic by Jacob P. Simmons (Iowa)
Six Miniatures by Lang Chen (Indiana)
Divergence by Nicolas Bizub (CCM)
Landscapes by Mack LaMont (CCM)

Concert III: Saturday, November 5, 2:00 pm
My Metal Bird Can Sing by Michael Lukaszuk (CCM)
Ataktos Errimmena by Alexandros Spyrou (Iowa)
¡Carnaval del Diablo! by Felipe Tovar-Henao (Indiana)
Signals and Systems by Luke Kottemann (Iowa)
sonata no. 1 by Maksym Mahlay (CCM)
breathe...blow...break by Baldwin Giang (Michigan)
Music Diary by Li Qi (Indiana)

Concert IV: Saturday, November 5, 4:00 pm
Ys, for clarinet solo by Paul Duffy (Iowa)
go or cross over by Christine Burke (Iowa)
Pained Memories by Spencer Haynes (Indiana)
I am [electric] by Stephen Karukas (Indiana)
Suspended Notions by Nima Hamidi (Iowa)
I Don't Think the Snare Drum Thinks by Marissa DiPronio (CCM)
Your Tidal Breath by Andrew Posner (Michigan)
Septa Thresholds by Huijuan Ling (CCM)
Hell or High Water by Jules Pegram (UM)
Reception at the Social Club, 18 1/2 S. Clinton St.